IT & Digital Marketing Articles

Chris Malpass
Chris MalpassCore Contributor

Chris Malpass is a seasoned software developer and data geek native to Hampton Roads, Virginia. As a Marathon Consultant Chris prides himself on learning and applying new skills quickly. A veteran of the open-source world, Chris is now heavily focused on building solutions based on the .NET framework and Microsoft products. When Chris isn’t helping our clients solve complex problems, he’s likely traveling with his family, reading, or exploring the region with one of his many vintage cameras.

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August 09, 2022 Chris Malpass 14 minute read

As software developers, we have many tools at our disposal for testing our code while building solutions. Generating large amounts of data with Bogus can level up our testing scenarios by making them reflect more realistic conditions.

December 20, 2021 Chris Malpass 7 minute read

Unit testing with Moq helps catch potential issues before software is deployed and allows us to think in terms of writing code that is more easily testable.

Mocking Moq Unit Testing

May 20, 2020 Chris Malpass 15 minute read

Looking for something to do during your free time? Build your own smart mirror with a little bit of patience, an inexpensive Raspberry Pi PC, and a HDMI monitor.

November 25, 2019 Chris Malpass 7 minute read

Navigating our personal and professional lives can be challenging at times. Knowing who we can turn to for advice and support can help to accelerate our development and growth.

June 18, 2019 Chris Malpass 6 minute read

In our modern tech workplaces, it's easy to feel the need to be "always on." Pressure to perform can often result in a mentally exhausting, skewed work-life balance. Let’s explore ways we can improve balance and harmony in all areas of our lives.

April 23, 2018 Chris Malpass 11 minute read

Thanks to tools like Power BI, it’s now easier than ever to ingest, analyze, and visualize data. In this article, you will learn how to import data, visualize that data on a series of graphs, and explore the data with Power BI’s powerful built-in...

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